How often do you refresh your customer, or prospect, databases? Every month, quarter, 6 months, a year, or so long ago you can’t remember the last time it was carried out?
If it’s the latter then keep reading, if your business makes a conscious effort to regularly update your databases then you should also keep reading as there are some fun facts on how you can do this cheaper and hassle free!
It is a very simple fact that people’s situations change over time, therefore the data you initially collected when your customer registered with you could now well and truly be out of date. For example, did you know roughly 11% of the UK population moves home every year and 17% of people change their email address annually? This naturally happens through people changing their job, so if you’re targeting businesses cleaning up your data is vital in retaining or acquiring new customers.
Does your database consist of elderly people? If so this is another factor to consider when carrying out direct marketing on your database. Cleaning your lists against deceased registers will help save the distress to relatives it can cause and the cost of marketing to them.
So how often should you refresh?
Our advice from working with over 15 different list owners and 150,000 clients in the last 15 years is to ideally refresh your database every time you want to use it. This will depend on how you manage your database, if you are active in contacting your customers to regularly update their details then you may only have to refresh if you are planning a large campaign which involves historical customers.
On the other hand, if you’re not as strict with keeping your database up to date then carrying out a refresh every 5-6 months will not only enhance your customer information but increase the chance of retention and improved revenue. The size of your database will also warrant regular file updates, as a rule of thumb the larger the file the more changes are likely to occur.
Regularly cleaning your databases will enhance your customer and prospect information allowing you to increase sales conversions and revenue. Keeping in contact with your customers with informative information that is relevant to them will keep your audience engaged and therefore more likely to use your services as your business in the forefront of their mind.
Data cleansing not only allows your business to stay in touch with customers who may have moved or changed telephone numbers but also identify people who registered their details with the telephone preference service to not receive unsolicited sales or marketing calls. This is a legal requirement for all businesses to adhere to and could cost your company dearly if you are found to be calling TPS registered numbers.
Our data cleaning service covers a wide range of data checks such as; address quality, NCOA (national change of address) update, mailing suppression file, Smartlink address forwarding service, tele-numbering checks and most importantly the TPS.
To clean up your databases or purchase a new prospect file, get in touch with our team today on 0845 345 7755 who will be able to assist you with your requirements, alternatively chat to us online using our online-chat facility at the bottom right of your screen.