Data Management
Keep your data clean to maximise effectiveness
We have over 15 years data experience to provide you services which can clean and enhance your own customers or prospect marketing lists.

Enhance your data
Increase the value of your data by building a bigger picture of your customers and prospects, add additional information such as their lifestyle habits or new contact channels with our data appending service.

Your existing data with customer information such as:
- Name
- Address
- Postcode

Our prospect data with additional information combined with your file:
- Email addresses
- Telephone numbers
- Household income
- Family status
- Hobbies

Once your data is enhanced you will own a database which has much more insight and flexibility

Data health check
Give your data regular health checks to keep it up to date with our data cleansing service so you know if your customers have moved or changed their contact details.
This also covers checks against deceased registers to help save relatives’ distress and the cost of marketing.

- Clean against deceased registers
- Update contact channels
Unlike TPS, which is a legal requirement, the Mailing Preference Service is a voluntary suppression list. However, as a DMA member we know all companies should use the MPS and Baby MPS so you don't waste time and money sending to someone who has actively opted out of direct mail.
With over 20 million numbers registered on the TPS it is a legal requirement that your data is checked against both TPS and CTPS to ensure you’re not breaking the law. We can do this automatically using our Numbercheck service.
Your first 50 checks are free and after that we charge as little as 1p per check.

Unlimited localised data counts

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