With over 3.6m house sales between January 2014 and December 2016, if you haven’t updated your database recently you may be wasting a lot of time and money sending things to customers who are just no longer there.
And it’s not just postal addresses that change. On average 2% of your email list gets outdated every month because people change email addresses, jobs, organisations, etc.
That’s close to 25% of your list every year.
A recent DMA study found that more than 50% of consumers have at least considered deleting their email account to control the flow of marketing emails that they receive.
Data cleansing services
At MarketingFile we can help, our data cleansing services will save you money, time and help maintain your good reputation.
- Save Money – don’t waste money sending to people who won’t receive it
- Save Time – don’t waste time dealing with undelivered items
- Maintain Your Reputation – don’t create negative feelings towards your brand by sending to the wrong people
In some cases, we can even find the new addresses for your contacts that have moved, so you can continue sending to them with no break in the relationship.
For more information on how we can save you money by cleansing your data, call 0845 345 7755, or complete contact us directly